Parametric compose
--- Introduction ---
This module is a graphical exercise on parametric curves in
the cartesian plane.
A parametric curve is determined by two real functions
and of a parameter . This curve is therefore the set of points
for different values of t. On the other hand,
we also have the graphs of the two coordinate functions and
which are curves.
This exercise can either present the two curves of and
and ask you to recognize the parametric curve
among others, or present the parametric curve and ask you to recognize the
curves of and .
The most recent version
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- Description: recognize a parametric curve by the graphs of its coordinate functions. Plateforme WIMS d'exercices interactifs et gratuits à données aléatoires avec feedback et corrections automatiques de l'enseignement secondaire au supérieur hébergée par le rectorat de l'académie de Versailles
- Keywords: euler, wims, eulerwims, versailles, mathématiques, mathematics, math, maths, physique, sciences, exercices, exercices à données aléatoires avec correction automatique, exercise, interactif, interactive mathematics, interactive math, interactive maths, en ligne, online, calcul, calculus, géométrie, geometry, courbes, curve, graphing, statistiques, statistics, probabilités, probability, algorithmes, algèbre, analyse, arithmétique, fonctions, qcm, quiz, cours, devoirs, éducation, enseignement, teaching, gratuit, free, open source, communs numériques, plateforme, classe virtuelle, virtual class, virtual classes, virtual classroom, virtual classrooms, interactive documents, interactive document, exercices interactifs, correction, feedback, lexique, glossaire, examen, feuilles d'exercices, ressources, outils, création d'exercices, codage, activités, parcours d'apprentissage, mathematics, analytic_geometry,, parametric_curves, functions, graphing