This module is an exercise on parametric curves in the plane.
The server presents to you a parametric curve, with an
animation showing how a point on the curve varies with the variation of
the parameter . And you have to find two functions
such that the corresponding parametric curve is as close as possible to that
of the server, point by point. You can try several times, and your best reply
will be taken into account to compute a score attributed to you. The computation
of the score is based on the difference between the curve of the server and
that of yours.
You will be free to use any usual functions: polynomial, rational,
exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric or inverse, hyperbolic or inverse,
etc. And you will need to compose these functions in a most efficient
possible way, as your function must be limited in its length.
Detailed menu
If you are new to this exercise, it may turn out to be
very hard! Start by taking a training on
Free Coincidence.
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Please take note that WIMS pages are interactively generated; they are not ordinary
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for you to gather them through a robot program.
Description: find the best approximation of a parametric curve. Plateforme WIMS d'exercices interactifs et gratuits à données aléatoires avec feedback et corrections automatiques de l'enseignement secondaire au supérieur hébergée par le rectorat de l'académie de Versailles