--- Introduction ---
The bubble sort is the oldest and simplest sort in use.
Unfortunately, it is also the slowest.
The bubble sort works by comparing each item in the list with the item next
to it, and swapping them if required. The algorithm repeats this process
until it makes a pass all the way through the list without swapping any
items (in other words, all items are in the correct order). This causes
larger values to "bubble" to the end of the list while smaller values "sink"
towards the beginning of the list.
Simu-bubble is an interactive exercise designed to help you to understand
how a bubble sort works. The computer presents a list of random order to
you, and ask you to sort it step by step, until the required order,
according to the bubble sort.
The most recent version
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- Description: manually simulate a bubble sort. Plateforme WIMS d'exercices interactifs et gratuits à données aléatoires avec feedback et corrections automatiques de l'enseignement secondaire au supérieur hébergée par le rectorat de l'académie de Versailles
- Keywords: euler, wims, eulerwims, versailles, mathématiques, mathematics, math, maths, physique, sciences, exercices, exercices à données aléatoires avec correction automatique, exercise, interactif, interactive mathematics, interactive math, interactive maths, en ligne, online, calcul, calculus, géométrie, geometry, courbes, curve, graphing, statistiques, statistics, probabilités, probability, algorithmes, algèbre, analyse, arithmétique, fonctions, qcm, quiz, cours, devoirs, éducation, enseignement, teaching, gratuit, free, open source, communs numériques, plateforme, classe virtuelle, virtual class, virtual classes, virtual classroom, virtual classrooms, interactive documents, interactive document, exercices interactifs, correction, feedback, lexique, glossaire, examen, feuilles d'exercices, ressources, outils, création d'exercices, codage, activités, parcours d'apprentissage, algebra, algorithmics, bubble sort, permutation, set_theory