--- Introduction ---
This module is an exercise of linear algebra, on the generation
of the vector space by a given set of vectors.
The exercise first gives you the vectors (randomly generated),
and automatically computes the rank of the matrix formed by these vectors.
You have to determine, according to these data, whether the vectors generate
the whole space, and give the reason for your reply.
A second question will be asked if the exercise is in an advanced mode.
This second question depends on the first reply: if you think that the
vectors generate the space, you will be presented another vector, and should
express it as a linear combination of the given generator vectors.
Otherwise, you should find a vector in the space which is not in the
subspace generated by the given vectors.
You may go to work on the exercise, by choosing the level of difficulty:
The most recent version
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- Description: does a given set of vectors generate the whole vector space?. Plateforme WIMS d'exercices interactifs et gratuits à données aléatoires avec feedback et corrections automatiques de l'enseignement secondaire au supérieur hébergée par le rectorat de l'académie de Versailles
- Keywords: euler, wims, eulerwims, versailles, mathématiques, mathematics, math, maths, physique, sciences, exercices, exercices à données aléatoires avec correction automatique, exercise, interactif, interactive mathematics, interactive math, interactive maths, en ligne, online, calcul, calculus, géométrie, geometry, courbes, curve, graphing, statistiques, statistics, probabilités, probability, algorithmes, algèbre, analyse, arithmétique, fonctions, qcm, quiz, cours, devoirs, éducation, enseignement, teaching, gratuit, free, open source, communs numériques, plateforme, classe virtuelle, virtual class, virtual classes, virtual classroom, virtual classrooms, interactive documents, interactive document, exercices interactifs, correction, feedback, lexique, glossaire, examen, feuilles d'exercices, ressources, outils, création d'exercices, codage, activités, parcours d'apprentissage, algebra, linear_algebra, vector_space, matrix, basis, vectors, linear_algebra,linear_system,rank